The following drive(s) will not be accelerated by SpeedyROM:
System Requirements Informationa
Setup detected the presence of a CD-ROM drive which is currently using a 16-bit real-mode driver.
SpeedyROM can accelerate only the CD-ROM drives which use a 32-bit protected-mode driver on your system.b"
Contact Microsoft or the manufacturer of the CD-ROM drive(s) to determine the availability of a 32-bit protected mode driver for Windows 95.
Click Next to continue with the Setup program.!
SpeedyROM SetupA
Select Update Preference
Setup detected a previous installation of SpeedyROM. Please
select whether you want to upgrade or replace your
existing installation. Click Next to continue.a;
&Upgrade current installation (preserves existing settings)2)
&Replace current installation (removes existing settings)2*
SpeedyROM Setup (Upgrade)A
Review Setup Informationa
Setup has enough information to starting copying the program files. If you want to review or change any settings, click Back. If you are satisfied with the settings, click next to proceed with the installation.B7
Setup was unable to create a required directory under %s. Setup cannot continue.b
An ununexpected error was encountered while trying to complete the file transfer process. Please check your target location and try again. (Error %u)B4
Updating System Registry...
Creating Folder and Icons....<
Setup was unable to create the folder "%s". Setup cannot continue.b
Setup was unable to add the item "%s" to the "%s" folder. Setup cannot continue.a
Setup was unable to add the item "%s" to the "%s" folder. Setup cannot continue.a
Release Notesb!
Setup was unable to add the item "%s" to the "%s" folder. Setup cannot continue.a
Release Notesb
Installation complete.
The previous version of SpeedyROM was not enabled. Do you want to enable the new version of SpeedyROM now?A
Restart Windowsa
Some files could not be installed because they are currently in use by other programs in the system. To allow for proper operation of the new program you should restart your system at this time.A
Remove any disks from their drives, and then click Finish to complete Setup.A
Setup could not restart your computer. You will have to restart your computer manually before setup can complete.A
Restart Windowsa
The previous version of SpeedyROM could not be disabled. To enable the new version of SpeedyROM, your system must be restarted.A
Remove any disks from their drives, and then click Finish to complete Setup.A
Setup could not restart your computer. You will have to restart your computer manually before setup can complete.A
I want to &view the Release Notes.!
Setup has finished upgrading %P on your computer.
To enable %P, select %P from the Programs menu. To view the Release Notes, check the box below.
Setup has finished installing %P on your computer.
To enable %P, select %P from the Programs menu. Setup can show you the Release Notes, and also assist you in enabling %P. If you want Setup to do either of these things, check the corresponding box below
I want to &enable SpeedyROM now.!
Setup has finished upgrading %P on your computer.
To enable the new version of %P now, or view the Release Notes, check the corresponding box below.
I want to &enable the new SpeedyROM.!
Setup has finished upgrading %P on your computer.
To enable %P, select %P from the Programs menu. To view the Release Notes, check the box below.
Setup has finished upgrading %P on your computer.
To enable %P, select %P from the Programs menu.
Setup has finished installing %P on your computer.
To enable %P, select %P from the Programs menu or have Setup assist you by checking the box below.
I want to &enable SpeedyROM now.!
Setup has finished upgrading %P on your computer.
To enable the new version of %P now, check the box below.
I want to &enable the new SpeedyROM.!
Setup has finished upgrading %P on your computer.
To enable %P, select %P from the Programs menu.
Setup Completeb$
Click Finish to complete Setup.b%
SpeedyROM SetupA
SpeedyROM SetupA
Checking system requirements...A
Checking system requirements...A
This program requires Windows 95.A
This program requires VGA or better resolution.A
Setup did not detect the presence of a CD-ROM drive using a 32-bit Protected Mode driver. SpeedyROM can accelerate only CD-ROM drives which use a 32-bit Protected Mode driver.
Do you still want to continue with the installation of SpeedyROM?A
We are sorry that you cannot benefit from SpeedyROM at this time. You may wish to contact Microsoft or the manufacturer of your CD-ROM drive to determine the availability of a 32-bit Protected Mode driver for Windows 95.A
There is insufficient space available on the drive %s to proceed with the installation. Setup requires at least %u KB of available disk space. Please free space on this drive or select a different drive.b